Tuesday 8 January 2013

Blogaphobia? Well hopefully I am cured.

New year. New start. That always tends to be the general feel of January.
I've never been one for making resolutions and thinking a change in the year date will create drastic changes in my life; however this year I have decided to make a variety of goals and stick to them, some some personal and some more career orientated.

The most appropriate one to highlight here is to become more engaged with social networking, blogs etc. It is no secret from my distinct lack of posts that blogging isn't really my thing, I find it almost uncomfortably self-indulgent. But enough negativity because these forms of communication are a big part of our world now and I must accept not all ideas and thoughts can...or should be kept tucked away in my sketchbook. I very much enjoy reading other blogs and find all this 'tweeting' rather intriguing; so instead of sticking my head in the sand I have decided that I must be proactive and embrace it!
Starting with immediate effect, making a goal to do a post a week (baby steps people, that's enough for now!)

So there we go, now in the meantime prepare for an influx of posts that actually belonged to 2012.....

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