Sunday 13 May 2012

Making plans...

As part of our work based learning module we have been asked to think about a five year plan in terms of where we wanting to be heading in our careers and after graduation.
If I'm honest I found the idea completely daunting and although it's still a little vague I do have an idea of how I would like things to pan out with hard work and luck on my side.

Short term goals are to continue developing my photography something which I took on board from meeting Joe Cornish, about not becoming complacent with anything. I have a lot to learn still with the technical side of photography so I think I need to start setting myself mini challenges and projects outside of college work.

I also want to really start pin pointing what I want to say with my photography, developing and fine tuning my style. It has been great being exposed to all the different directions you can take your work but I need to start thinking about what kind of audience I'm pitching to.

I'm looking forward to the summer as it's going to be a chance to me to have time to work on my own projects which I intend to set myself over the three months. During term time I focus all my energies on college work and at the weekend I work so it doesn't leave much or any time for me to do my work so it will be a great opportunity for that.

Long term goals are to start gaining work experience, perhaps assisting professionals who are out working in the industry.
I would like to be involved with curating again, getting more involved with other parts of the process as it was an experience I really enjoyed.
I need to start doing more research into a particular field of work I have found an interest in recently which is picture editor for magazines. I love fashion and music so will start to think about looking for work experience and even internships for after graduation. To work at somewhere like Glamour or one of the alternative music magazines would be a dream for me.
After I graduate I plan to take some time off; 6 months to a year and go travelling, possibly around America again because it's somewhere that I love. To document my travels through photos would be a fantastic project.
One of my big ambitions outside of photography is to finish my book I'm working on. Writing is one of my biggest passions alongside photography but because of my many other commitments the book is a project that is taking a considerable amount of time (3years and counting at the moment!) To have it published is one of my biggest dreams but to finally finish it one day would be satisfaction enough for me even if only a handful of people eventually read it.

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